Orthopedic Medical Devices, How To Get Out Of The Cycle Of Made In United Sates?
Orthopedic Medical Devices

With the increase of United Sates’ aging population, “health” topic has attracted more and more attention to advanced medical equipment has become the hospital’s “pet”. In today’s high-tech driven, easy to use, intelligent medical devices medical device research and development and innovation focus. In recent years, United Sates’s medical equipment also tasted the benefits of industrial development, rising exports and dividend policy for medical devices medical devices industry’s development into a “honeymoon period”. However, behind medical devices industry, innovation has become a big problem. Now developed into a following Europe and the development of medical devices, only the “made in United Sates” of the cycle, in particular multidisciplinary orthopedic medical device, “innovation” has been dare not touch the pain point enterprise, the Orthopedic medical device innovation?

Found in the research and development process, orthopedic medical device is a multidisciplinary and knowledge-intensive industries, designers and developers of medical devices is not necessarily the real users, and users of products–doctors and patients, and did not know how the biological sciences, which created difficult orthopedic medical device product development. So, how do we solve this dilemma?

In sales while also focusing on customers and patients feel, “sales” and “research and development” way of combining cross orthopedic medical device innovation challenge.